The Humane Representation of Thought

Posted on Sat, Nov 23, 2019 🌲 Flourishing Note HCI

The Humane Representation of Thought

Closing keynote at the UIST and SPLASH conferences, October 2014.

About the Speaker

Bret Victor

Interface Designer, Computer Scientist, and Electrical Engineer


In the talk, Bret Victor first explained why current media we have (mainly paper and computer) cannot unleash full potential of our human capabilities. Then, he showed us the possibilities of dynamic medium, which is more humane and empowering.

Corresponding time of a topic or a quote in the video is annotated with (time).

Representations, Ascent of Humanity, and The Inhumane Medium (05:04)

A powerful medium is what enables powerful representations to be used and seen and spread. (11:11)
The way representations work is they draw on certain capabilities that we have, so if we go all in a particular medium, like we did with print, the capabilities that are not well supported in that medium, umm, they get neglected, and they atrophy, and we atrophy. (12:55)
Modern lifestyle of knowledge work is inhumane. (14:42) We've invented media that severely constrain our range of intellectual experience. (16:06)

The Space of Capabilities (16:27)

A very vast and amorphous space of modes of understanding.

Multiple Frameworks (16:43)

Bret Victor

Visual, Aural, Tactile, Kinesthetic, Spatial.

Jerome Bruner

Enactive, Iconic, Symbolic.

Howard Gardner

Visual, Verbal, Logical, Musical, Bodily, Inter-personal, Intra-personal, Natural.

Kieran Egan

Somatic, Mythic, Romantic, Philosophic, Ironic.

About Paper and Computer (21:03)

Paper, or printed materials, and computer are primarily visual and symbolic. While printed materials such as papers and books offer tactile reponse since they're physical objects, spatial reponse in terms of bookshelfs and libraries, and iconic response when we draw and write on papers, computers offers non of these responses because we can't touch the content on the screen, we can't explore content like we do in a spatial environment except for staring at a small screen, and we can't draw and write smoothly with mouse and keyboard.

Dynamic Medium (25:07)

It has three properties :

The Possibilities of Dynamic Medium

Conversing (32:10)

Presenting (37:20)

Reading (40:45)

Browsing, Discovering, Connecting (44:50)

Writing (45:55)

Creating new knowledge (49:12)