5 Desktop Environments for Linux Worth a Look in 2022
Feeling bored seeing people always recommending already known ones like Gnome, KDE, LXDE, Xfce, Deepin DE, Budgie, etc? Here are some new ones that may catch your eyes.
The Status of Rich-Text Editing on the Web
None of the mainstream rich-text editors handle CJK composition properly.
Notablog v.s. Notion Performance Test
Setup CJK Input Methods on Linux with Fcitx
Setting up local input methods is one of the most important but frustrating work for non-English Linux users. Here I share how I setup CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) input methods.
Working with Media Files on Linux
Have fun on Linux.
What are future knowledge management tools like?
Networked instead of hierarchical? Spatial arrangement in addition to linear layout?
The Humane Representation of Thought
My notes about Bret Victor's talk "The Humane Representation of Thought".
Audio DAC Comparison
A table to collect technical information about HiFi (mostly) audio DACs I discovered during the past two years.
Notion.so Resource
Here are some Notion-related projects and resources from enthusiastic people. There may be more, I will update the list once I discover them!
Awesome Blogs
In contrast to centralized social networking sites where everyone looks the same, an elaborately designed blog make one stand out and is more fun to read. π
CSS Useful Snippets
Also some tricky parts of CSS.
The Power of CSS
My CSS reference.