Awesome Blogs

Posted on Thu, Jul 25, 2019 🌲 Flourishing Note Blog
In contrast to centralized social networking sites where everyone looks the same, an elaborately designed blog make one stand out and is more fun to read. 🙂

Personal Blog

Aaron's Essays

Too often, founders approach fundraising as if they are supplicants to the investors. They understand that fundraising features many asymmetries, but the founders mostly see the asymmetries that are tilted towards the investors. Here's the thing - in today's market, the asymmetries largely favor the prepared founder.

Organization or Company Blog

Apex Software

Learn how to pre-render static websites created with any web framework, using the 23 year-old wget command-line tool. The entire Apex Software website and blog are pre-rendering using this simple technique. View article

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A ridiculous collection of web development cheatsheets · One-page guide to